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Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

Board Members

Jessica Tetreault

Vice President
Danielle Merrill

Holly LeBlanc

Erin Curley

Events and Fundraisers


The Stacy Middle School PTO has many events planned throughout the school year. Information about these events will be included under the Events and Fundraiser page. Please consider joining the PTO to help support our students and the staff of Stacy Middle School.

The Stacy PTO meets the third Wednesday of each month unless otherwise stated in the set calendar from 7:00pm to 8:00pm in the Stacy Middle School Media Center.

Attendance at the meetings is not mandatory - you are still able to help even if you don't attend.

The majority of our communication is done via email, so please provide us with your information so you can stay updated on Stacy PTO events & activities. You can also email us anytime!


Please like us on Facebook

Teacher Requests

Teacher Request Form