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Report an Absence

Milford Public Schools employs the use of an absentee monitoring system to ensure your child’s safety in our schools. We request that any day your child will not be in school you call the Stacy Middle School  Callback Number at 508-634-1782.

Please leave: Child’s Name, relation to the child, Date and Reason for Absence, phone number if we have any questions.

If you do not call Stacy Middle School to report your child’s absence, the Milford Blackboard Connect messaging system will try to reach you at the emergency number you submitted. Please call the school to confirm your child’s whereabouts after receiving the Blackboard Connect message at 508-478-1180, Ext. 6501.

Please note that calling the callback system DOES NOT excuse any absence. You are required to send your child back to school after each absence with a note stating the reason for this absence and with a doctor’s note if you would like the absence to be excused. (Refer to the Student/Parent/Guardian Handbook for the full Milford Attendance Policy.)   All absence notes will be kept on file for future reference.  Thank you for your attention in this very important safety matter.

Student Absence Call Line: 508-634-1782